Last week was Spring Break for us here in France, and my lovely group of friends and I decided to explore the rural Italian island, Sardinia (or Sardenga). We took a 17 hour ferry from Marseille to Porto Torres, which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I only puked twice! We had little cabins with bunk beds, but I saw this backpacking couple sleeping under the stairs, and I think I could've totally saved on the ferry and slept under the stairs in steerage with the other low class folk. This is what I get for having Kate Winslet types booking my boat cabin. Have to have a bed to sleep in, pshh. If Titanic taught us anything, it was that steerage folk have more fun and like to dance on tables..well, and not to steer your ship into an iceberg...Anyways, we arrived in Porto Torres around noon, picked up our rental cars, and drove 2 hrs south to our lovely villa in Torre de Stelle, overlooking the most beautiful crystal clear waters the Mediterranean has to offer. Our very cute pool boy/landlord, Franchesco, met us at the house, and I'm sure was very surprised/shocked that he just rented his precious villa to nine 20 somethings. We assured him that we would keep it clean, and only throw the old furniture over the terrace. After this agreement, he left, and our party began. Our days consisted of eating delicious food, shumping on the beach, and eating gelato, and our nights consisted of wine consumption, rowdy games of charades, man hunt, and card games. The weather was absolutely beautiful every day, and since we were there during the off season, we pretty much had all the beaches to ourselves. It was an amazing spring break, and we were all sad when the week had ended and we were forced to get back on that god forsaken boat, but in the end it's always nice to return home.
The Sardinia Crew about to embark on our ferry journey (Marseille in the background)
From left to right: Lindsey, Andrew, Britney, Alex, Melissa, Peter, Trafton, Me, Nathalie

The view from our first floor terrace

Me kicking ass and taking names in charades

The girls being beautiful on the beach

Trafton and I debating whether to risk potential jelly stings by going into the water...he was stung shortly thereafter.

Me and the flavor of the week in our dope living room

Les mecs and moi , with lovely Sardenga in the background
1 comment:
Sooooo jealous!!!!! Ahhh, to be 21 and carefree....
And, sorry to be such a school marm, but I must correct a little Italian spelling faux pas in your post. Otherwise, my 3 years of study of the language will have been totally wasted ;o)
For some reason, the Italians pronounce "ch" as a hard "k" sound and "ce" (or any other c+vowel combo) as an English "ch" sound. So, the landlord's name is Francesco or "fran-ches-co."
Similar issue with Sardegna; the "gn" is kind of like the Spanish ñ or "nya" sound. So, the g comes before the n in the Italian spelling of Sardegna.
So, what's the next stop on your Euro-tour?
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