Monday, March 3, 2008

The French Riviera

Our uni took us out on an excursion to the French Riviera. We went to Nice, Cannes, and Monaco.
Nice is definitely nice. SO beautiful, great little city, and the beach was amazing. That night we went to Monte Carlo in Monaco. Some serious dough was flowin' through the place. I won 5 euro on roulette. That's like a 100 US dollar, so I pretty much banked. Cannes was ok. Pretty much a glorified retirement home. The only thing it has going for it is that silly film festival.

Trafton and I in Nice
An aerial view of Nice
Candied fruits in the Nice market , très cool
The Famous Ritz Carlton in Cannes


Unknown said...

Honey, you should seriously recalculate your Euro winnings as $10.00 US dollars, not $100. Mom

Unknown said...

I am so jealous,but seriously....Do you ever study?