Yup, you can be jealous, we went skiing in the Alps on Sunday. It was a really sweet deal. For 40 euros, we got round trip bus transport, lift tickets for the day, and ski rental. However, it wasn't the best skiing i've done...a wee bit icy, which led to a few epic falls. (haha, the best one was when I think we went of trail...it wasn't marked very well, and the snow was rock hard, and i fell and slid down the hill, without my skis. Trafton went to retrieve my skis, and in the process, he too fell and took me out, for a second time, with him). Not used to the ice, but the silly east cost kids rocked the slopes because apparently that's all they have, gross icy slopes. I had no ski pants, so not only did I look like a redneck, my jeans were nice and damp by the end of the day. It was my friend Andrew's first time skiing, and I think he could've gone head to head with Brian as the worst skier ever. He managed to fall and fly up into the air while standing still, ski into the nets and get tangled up, and lose his skis a number of times. It was a good weekend activity. Lots of laughs, and lots of fun.
At least I wasn't the only one looking like a douche skiing in jeans....absolutely ridiculous
Donning my host mom's super cool ski jacket, brand NafNaf, it's top of the line..totally.
Also sporting gloves a man in the ski shop let me borrow. they were too big
so i wore my leather gloves underneath, which served duel purpose as a germ blocker
Green with envy!!!
And yes, I will inform Brian immediately that he has made your blog (and not in a good way). Heh.
Thank goodness you said Brian, and not Mom ( but I will gladly take the reign with him as the worst skier ever!
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